3-D Animated Adventure Game Soundtrack Series
                FIRE HAWK - THEXDER THE SECOND CONTACT                   

                             "MISSION 9"
                   Hiromi Ohba, Masahiko Yoshimura,
                          Mecano Associates

                   Translated to MIDI by Rob Atesalp
               Copyright (c)1990 Sierra On-Line, Inc.     

                G E N E R A L   M I D I   V E R S I O N

System Requirements:

- MIDI Playback Software capable of reading Type 1 Standard
   MIDI File format
- General MIDI sound device (Wave Table or better recommended)

This Standard MIDI File was recorded directly from Sierra and Game Art's
"Fire Hawk" action game.  It has been converted from the MT-32 version for
playback on General MIDI sound cards.  A Wave Table or better sound card
is highly recommended for optimal playback.

Recorded/Converted to Standard MIDI File format by Tom Lewandowski.
Address questions or comments to:

       Tom Lewandowski

                              QUEST STUDIOS