README.TXT Documentation for Universal Module Player 32-bit v0.39 rev. a Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Terry Chatman. All Rights Reserved. ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù., First off what is UMP/32? ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù., UMP/32 stands for Universal Module Player 32-bit, which is a DOS program that plays back tracked modules through your sound card with very high quality. Tracked module formats supported ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,. .MOD - Every version of this format is supported. >:) .S3M - Scream Tracker 3 module. Note: The 16-bit samples that Impulse Tracker puts into these work.>:) .XM - Fast Tracker 2 module. UMP/32 is one of the rare players that fully supports this format 100% >:) .IT - Preliminary support in the code but not enabled yet due to bugs and lack of help from the author. <:(` Using UMP/32 ,.ùúù.,.ùúù. Usage of UMP/32 is simple and requires little work. When you first run the program, the configuration program pops up allowing you to configure UMP/32 to your sound system. The configuration program features an auto detection process that should be pretty much reliable... Note: Sound Blaster cards are detectable through the "SET BLASTER" enviroment variable, Win95 sometimes likes to thrash this variable and put invalid info or leave out some info allowing UMP/32 to give back bad settings and thus sometimes crash your PC, so I'd advise you when running the configuration program under Win95 to configure it yourself. <:( Note: Windows Sound System cards are undetectable to my knowledge. <:( Should you mess up in configuration of your sound card type UMP32 -c or /c and it will bring up the configuration program again. After configuration UMP/32 will begin to process command line arguments. Command line arguments are files that you wish to play, currently the file manager from UMP/16 & playlist support from UMP/16 are not implemented so only legal modules & wildcards are excepted. Examples ,.ùúù.,. XMs in the current directory: UMP32 *.xm Unsorted modules in c:\modules and the sorted modules in the sub-directories: UMP32 c:\modules\*.* c:\modules\st3\*.s3m c:\modules\ft2\*.xm c:\modules\mod\*.mod Single song: UMP32 song.s3m You should pretty much understand it now.... More usage info ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ù Now that we have a few modules playing we are now presented with a constantly updated status screen, here you can see many things like the song name, what the position the player is currently at in the module and *TONS* of other things. You can also see channel specific information like the current instrument being played on a certain track, note being played, channel volume, effect, and real volume meters to show you the sound volume of that track. Pressing "H" brings up a help screen listing some more of the advanced things UMP/32 can do, pressing "C" changes the bottom info mode so you can see more information like sample listing, pattern data, note spectrum, note dots, and extended data. Get to know UMP/32 and it's features and you will come to love the player & if you love it already, love it even more! Tips ,.ùú 1. Put UMP/32 in your path, it's so much funer glancing around on your hard disk and being able to type UMP32 *.* and having it play the ones in the current directory your in. Check out your current path setting by typing "SET" in the MS-DOS prompt you should see something similar to this : PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\DOS Those each are directories in your path, so a wise thing to do would be to put UMP/32 in one of those directories. Note : It's going to be alot more fun when I finally add the file manager. 2. UMP/32 is also great under Win95 with SB cards of any type... as it plays in the background. Woohoo! Set it as your default player! :):) Problems? Questions? ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ù Want to send me feedback? My internet address is Geting the latest version of UMP/32 ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù UMP/32 can be retrieved freely from , or on IRC in #mystik when ]Crono[ is around(usually all the time:)) If you want to always have the latest version of UMP/32 delivered into your e-mail box, send a message to with the subject "subscribe ump/32", and I will add you myself to the e-mail list. Disclaimer ,.ùúù.,.ùú UMP/32 is freeware. 1. UMP/32 should be used & distributed in an unmodifed form. 2. Should weird things start happening to your computer, the author of UMP/32 will not be liable for any damages caused by using it. 3. Using a modified version you will also not get any kind of technical support if problems do occur. 4. Freeware also means you cannot charge any person anything for distributing UMP/32 to them. Minimum requirements for UMP/32 ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,.ùúù,.ùúù,.ù 80386 compatible processor VGA card and monitor Sound Blaster or 100% compatible digital audio sound card 2MB of RAM Closing words ,.ùúù.,.ùúù., There is bound to be some bugs some where, but hey, no one is perfect. Everything else is as stable as it gets! When you come across any bugs or serious problems do not hesitate to contact me. Happy module playing! Special thanks ,.ùúù.,.ùúù.,. To the crew of MiDAS for their personal help and sample source code, without these UMP/32 would not be possible. Zophar, for going through too many UMP revision tests to count and making sure that it sounded correct! >:) Outlaw2 for recommending the WDOSX extender to me. Works great and fast too. zsKnight, _Demo_, MrGrim, TheMage, RS3, WyNTeR-II, Eternal Knight for being true friends and always supporting my products and using them... heh heh heh Digital Flux & Mystik `98 :*: WE RULE ! The crew of #zsnes cuz we have so many gr8 times together idlin'... >;) The crew of #roms & #emu for being so perverted and making me laugh. The crew of #trax for critiquing my tracks, and using my player sometimes. Last but not least, God, cuz he *IS* the man... and he makes this all possible ... ( you know I had to add this ) Others I forgot to mention, oh well ... Crono of Digital Flux & Mystik