IT2XM module converter v1.01 - (C) 1997 Andy Voss (Phoenix/Hornet)

What goes in - one Impulse Tracker 2.xx (.IT) module.
What comes out - one Fast Tracker 2.xx (.XM) module.  Simple, eh?

Syntax: IT2XM [.IT filename] [parameters]
   None to all parameters may be given.
   /P - Use E8x (S8x in IT) instead of 8xx (Xxx in IT) for panning.
        Use this if you want better panning support in most XM players
        outside of FT2.
   /S - Use sample/file names instead of instrument/sample names.
        This is only valid if the IT uses instruments.  Use this if you
        want to preserve the sample name text, which most IT users write in
        rather than the instrument name text.  Extra empty instruments will
        be created if the IT has more samples than instruments.
  /WC - Output warnings to the console (screen) rather than file.
  /W- - Do not output warnings at all.

For reference, here's the information you'll lose when converting to XM:
   new/duplicate note actions (will I convert them manually? Not for free. :)
   channels 33-64
   pitch envelopes
   channel volumes
   default channel panning
   envelope nodes above #12
   notes C0-B0, C9-B9
   instrument notes (eg. C-0 -> C-3 01 becomes C-0 01)
   message area
   a few IT-only effects
Things like 16-bit samples, volume/panning envelopes, and most volume
commands are converted.  A file IT2XM.WRN is written in the current
directory with warnings of any conversion problems with an .IT module.

Note on Panning:
   8xx/Px, FT2's panning commands, only work on one note.  To permanently
   set one, you'll have to either set the sample panning, set the panning
   on EVERY desired note, or use envelopes.  If you're only using a
   player outside FT2 for the XM, you can use the /P parameter for E8x
   panning.  Panbrello fans should consider using P0x/Px0 or panning
   envelopes instead before converting.

Thanks to the beta testers for bug reports and suggestions:
   GD, Mild, Basehead, Farmer.

Thanks also to the creators of these modules, which were helpful in
testing out some of the IT2XM routines: - GD - 8/16bit sample testing - Lemm - envelope testing - Future Assassin - note off/fadeout testing - Radix/Basehead - instrument & sample speed testing - Chris Jarvis - signed sample testing

Thanks finally to Pulse and Mr. H for including the file format specs
with IT/FT.  Without them, I wouldn't have even bothered to make this. :)

Email me at with any kind of bug not mentioned
above.  A text file dump of the output and/or the IT itself would
be helpful too.

----------------------------What's new for v1.01------------------------------
Used a newer compiler than v1.0, so if you find an IT that doesn't convert 
anymore be sure to let me know.

Envelope ticks larger than 255 no longer stop the instrument conversion.

Multiple samples within an instrument should now have correct 8/16-bit values.
(thanks to Pulse ( for helping me find the above bugs)